Beginner's Guide to Beekeeping

  You might be considering beekeeping after hearing about it from friends or family, or perhaps you've experienced it firsthand. If your friends or family are beekeepers, producing honey can save you money and any surplus can be sold for extra income.

  When you search for "beekeeping beginner" on Google, you’ll find countless articles and YouTube videos, which can be overwhelming. Watching videos of beekeepers on YouTube is truly fascinating.

  Before purchasing beekeeping equipment, consider your workload. If you feel exhausted after work and just want to lie down, beekeeping might not be suitable for you. Beekeeping can present many challenges and add to your fatigue. If you have about 30 minutes to an hour each day to check on your hive, starting as a beginner can be a bit chaotic. Weekends can be used to attend beekeeping association events, chat with experienced beekeepers, and learn from their experiences. Developing beekeeping as a hobby could be a great choice for you.

  If you believe you're ready for beekeeping, and you decide to purchase a hive and bees locally, congratulations on beginning your beekeeping journey!

Choosing a Beehive:

  Given that it's June, if you're in the southern United States, it's a good time to start beekeeping. However, in the north, you need to consider if the local blooming period provides enough pollen for the bees.

8-Frame vs. 10-Frame Hives:

  The primary difference is the honey production; otherwise, they are similar.

How Many Hive Boxes?

  Beginners should purchase a starter kit, not 2, 3, or 4-layer hive boxes.

Which Beekeeping Starter Kit?

  Refer to "Beekeeping for Dummies" to see which products are essential. Many beekeeping beginner kits include a bee feeder that takes up the frame and foundation space, but this is not necessary. When you have more bees, you can buy one and place it in the hive. For beginners, a small water feeder placed on the entrance reducer is sufficient since fewer bees need less water.

Additional Products:

  Yes, beginners also need to purchase a separate deep box and a super box. When should you buy them? When the frames and foundation in your deep box are 70%-80% full of honey, add your second deep box. When the frames and foundation in your second deep box are 70%-80% full, add your super box. Note: Remember to place a Queen excluder between the deep box and super box. All these boxes prepare the bees for winter.

Other Essentials:

  Now that you have a hive and bees, do you need anything else? No, you have all the essentials for beginners, but you might still have many questions.

Beehive Stand:

  Not necessary. You can make a stand yourself or place bricks under the hive.

Hive Location:

  Refer to "Beekeeping for Dummies" for hive placement.

Winter Preparation:

  Purchase a candy board and quilt box. One provides food, the other absorbs moisture.

Cost Breakdown:

  • Beekeeping Starter Kit:

    • 8-Frame: $100-$150
    • 10-Frame: $150-$180
  • Deep Hive Box: $50-$70

  • Super Hive Box: $40-$60

  • Candy Board and Quilt Box: $70

Total: $260-$380

  Additionally, consider the cost of bees and winter food for the bees. This is your first-year beekeeping cost. You might encounter issues like pests, requiring additional purchases of medications, etc. Overall, expect to spend around $1000.


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