Collection: Beehive with Viewing Window And Screened Bottom Board Beehive

  • One of the biggest advantages of a viewing window beehive is that it allows you to observe the honey production inside the hive through a clear acrylic panel without disturbing the bees. This design not only enables beekeepers to monitor the health of the bees and the progress of honey production at any time but also minimizes the disturbance to the bees when the hive is opened, reducing the risk of stressing or disrupting them. The clear acrylic panel provides a clear and direct view, making the beekeeping process more efficient and bee-friendly.
  • A beehive equipped with a screened bottom board is particularly advantageous for ensuring proper ventilation and cooling within the hive. This feature allows for better airflow, which helps regulate the internal temperature and reduces humidity levels. Improved ventilation is crucial for maintaining a healthy hive environment, as it aids in preventing the growth of mold and the buildup of moisture, both of which can be detrimental to bee health. Additionally, the screened bottom board helps in managing pests like Varroa mites, as it allows debris and mites to fall through and out of the hive, keeping the colony cleaner and