What are bees afraid of?


  Bees are most afraid of fireworks. In ancient times, bee larvae, honey and pollen were the hunting objects of ancient humans. When hunting bees, ancient humans adopted a smoky method, which led to the bees that were slow to respond to fireworks were burned to death and slowly eliminated, while the bees that were sensitive to fireworks, especially those that ate honey and ran away when they encountered fireworks, were retained. Over time, bees develop a stress response to fear of fireworks.


  Bees are most afraid of pesticides. Pesticides are chemical agents used in agriculture to prevent and control pests and diseases, which can be divided into four categories due to different poisoning methods. One is contact, which refers to the poisoning caused by bees being exposed to pesticides; the other is honey sac, which refers to the poisoning caused by bees inhaling pesticides into the honey sac; the third is fumigation, which refers to the poisoning caused by bees being exposed to volatile pesticides; the fourth is absorption. Poisoning caused by bees eating food contaminated with pesticides.

3:Insect Pests

  • nest worm: nest worm is the larvae of wax moth, mainly harmful to Apis Cerana (honeybee), lurking in the bottom of the nest to eat wax and the nest spleen into a tunnel, the affected bee population is light, the group of rapid decline, serious swarm because of the inability to resist and have to abandon the nest.
  • bee mites: bee mites are the ecpoparasites of bees, mainly harmful to Italian bees (honeybees), all their lives in the hive to reproduce and rely on the body fluids of bees to live, severely affected bee colonies of each instar larvae have a large number of deaths, the group is rapidly weakened.


  • Wasps: wasps are partial carnivorous insects, mainly to lepidoptera, hymenoptera and other insects to eat, but also to eat the nectar of plants, fruits, especially in the season of food scarcity often concentrated to kill bees, a few golden ring wasps can destroy a swarm.
  • Toad: frogs more latent hidden during the day, dusk and night out activities, to beetles, moths, snails, maggots and so on for food, but also prey on bees, especially Chinese bees, when the toad into the hive or lie on the cover will lead to the whole group of bees fly away.
  • Spiders: Spiders mostly feed on lepidoptera, diptera, hymenoptera, coleoptera and other insects, which can be roughly divided into three categories, among which hunting spiders will crawl around for food, web spiders will build webs waiting for rabbits, and cave spiders like to hide in rock crevices or soil holes.
  • Dragonfly: Dragonfly is a carnivorous insect, mainly to mosquitoes, flies, bees, butterflies, moths and so on for food, in late summer and early autumn often prey on bees, especially out of the nest collection of worker bees and mating queen in the dense "dragonfly array" when the most vulnerable to dragonfly predation.


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